Copy of Identity Card or Passport of Director (s) / Partner (s) / Proprietor(s), Co-operative representative whichever is applicable.
Copy of business registration licenses (SSM or other relevant forms) under the Companies Act 2016. SKM registration certificate for co-operative.
Company’s bank statement for the last two (2) months OR audited financial report OR latest account statement.
Invoice/billing from authorized Digitalisation Partner like AutoCount.
Application Workflow
Step 1: MSMEs submit application online
i) Bank/financial statements
ii) IC
iii) Purchase invoice
iv) etc
Step 2: Eligibility check & KYC
Step 3:MSMEs make payment to Digitalisation Partners (DPs)
i) MSMEs required to make payment within 30 days
ii) Digital payments (via platform) simplify reconciliation
iii) Payments directed to BSN CASA account
Step 4: DPs deliver service & submit claims
i) DPs can submit claims postservice delivery
Step 5: BSN disburses grant to DP
i) Grants disbursed to BSN CASA account
Why AutoCount?
AutoCount provides the flexibility to customize layouts, create user-defined fields, generate custom reports, and integrate seamlessly with other AutoCount solutions.
As a business expands, it can choose to upgrade the software or add additional modules at any time.
We understand you! Without any accounting knowledge, you can start using AutoCount software to easily manage your daily business data.